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  • The function of J&K State Dental Council is to to regulate the dental education, dental profession and and to preserve and peruse code of ethics at all levels.
  • To register the qualified Dentists in the different registers (A &B) as per the provisions of the Act.
    • Persons possessing recognized dental qualification (BDS/MDS) and fulfill other eligibility criteria as laid down by Dentist Act of 1948 and State Dental council rules are registered in part “A” register of the State Dentists Register. Since its inception, J& K State Dental has registered 3637 graduates and 250 postgraduate Dentists in part “A” so far.
    • Part “B” register was a one time exception for those unqualified persons whose principal means of livelihood was practice of dentistry at the time of preparation of first register. Under section 32(2) of the Dentists Act, the State Government appointed 31.05.1977 as the cut off date for submission of applications by those persons who were engaged in practice as Dentists as their principal means of livelihood for a period of not less than five years prior to the cut off date viz. 31.05.1997 fixed vide SRO 198, dated: 29.04.1977. After scrutiny of the applications/allied testimonials, the persons who were found eligible by the competent authority were registered in Part-B Register of Dentists and thereafter the said register was closed for ever vide Government Order No.36-HME of 1990, dated: 12.01.1990.
  • The Council is also responsible for the issue of Good Standing Certificates, Duplicate Registration Certificates and No Objection Certificates, etc.
  • Pursuant to the directions of the Hon’ble High Court in OWP (PIL) No. 60/2006 and OWP 191/2006 titled Shri. G.M. Khan Vs. State and others, the Council has been appointed as Supervisory Authority to register Dental Clinics/Dental laboratories/Extra-oral Dental X-ray units as per norms/guidelines laid down for the purpose.
  • Besides aforesaid functions, the State Dental Council is also empowered under Section 47, 48 and 49 of the Dentists Act 1948 to take action against quackery.
  • The council ensures oral health practitioners meet and maintain standards in order to protect the health and safety of the general public. The oral health practitioners we regulate are dentists, dental specialists, dental hygienists and dental mechanics.

After the setting up of office of J&K State Dental Council in Jammu Following actions were taken up by the council.

  • Two separate offices have been established in the State (one each in Jammu & Kashmir) at GDC Jammu and GDC Srinagar, for the convenience of doctors of each region & to facilitate registration & renewals at both offices.
  • To facilitate easy & quick renewal /registration of the Dentists, to provide online services and to introduce transparency , State Dental Council is setting up its official website. NIELIT Jammu is designing the website and will be ready within 2-3 weeks.
  • Registration process has been streamlined with instant renewals and new registrations provided within a week.
  • The council has taken strong note of the unregistered /illegal clinics, labs, extra oral dental x ray units, running in the state & the process of clinical registrations and renewals already started .
  • Amendment Committee has been constituted to study SRO and present amendments, in the next general body meeting for the approval. Example ; Registering dentists once every 5 years
  • Registrations of Dental Hygienists and Mechanics to be started under rules.
  • Flexi Fixed deposits for state dental council accounts to fetch better interests rates.